Cleanup Your Ruby Versions

February 1, 2022 β€” Ulysse

One day my computer decided to tell that I had no space available anymore. As a programmer, my first reaction was du -sh * and that is when I saw that my deprecated ruby versions were still here, and they some place!

$ cd ~/.rbenv/versions/
$ du -sh *
108M	2.4.4
1.4G	2.5.3
910M	2.6.5
588M	2.6.6
823M	2.7.1
1.1G	2.7.2
2.0G	2.7.4
 87M	3.0.0

However, rm -rf ~/.rbenv/versions might have been an overreaction, let’s first check for usage of various ruby versions:

$ cd ~/Dev
$ fd --no-ignore --hidden --glob .ruby-version | ruby -e '
	pp $<.
		group_by { }.
[["2.3.1", ["presidentbeef/brakeman/test/apps/rails5.2/.ruby-version"]],
 ["2.7.2", ["battleship/.ruby-version"]],
 ["3.0.3", ["rubygems/"]]]

Ok well, there are some unused versions there!

$ rbenv uninstall --force 2.4.4
$ rbenv uninstall --force 2.5.3
$ rbenv uninstall --force 2.6.5
$ rbenv uninstall --force 2.6.6
$ rbenv uninstall --force 2.7.1
$ rbenv uninstall --force 2.7.2

The example I gave may seem pointless, however just check du -sh ~/.rbenv on your computer, you may gain up to 10G.